Me too.
I look up diaper reviews and they all sound like paid advertisements. Because frequently, they are. On store websites some reviews will be negative, but many are solicited as entries for a giveaway. "Review my product, and you'll be entered to win more of my product!" A: That's a narrow audience to draw from. B: Who wants to review something negatively and jeopardize your chance of winning?
So I'm writing up my own reviews. I'll review the products I've tried, and I'll include a pros and cons list for every product. *gasp!* The negatives will be included!
I think I'll even add a list of links to the reviews on the sidebar so specific products will be easy to find. Maybe I can add a list of links to resources that don't need to be redone too.
Products I've used and could review today:
Mother Ease One Size fitteds
BumGenius One Size Organic all in ones
BumGenius Sized all in ones
BumGenius 3.0 pockets (though the company calls them all in ones, they aren't)
Bottom Bumpers Sized all in ones
Bummis prefolds
Bummis covers
Fuzzi Buns sized pockets
generic prefolds (I'll include a link to the store where I bought them in case they ever list the manufacturer)
Home made fleece liners
Bummis fleece liners
Organic vs. non-organic cotton
Natural vs. non-natural fibers
Products I want to try:
Flip system (pretty sure one could use the inserts with any cover
Newborn inserts in small covers (like a cheaply rigged flip system)
Thirsties covers (especially the pretty one with the tree pattern)
More hip snap diapers or covers
The Vital Babymoon
7 months ago
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